Friday, October 24, 2014

Eclipsed light (?) and lots of Orange

We didn't have protective glasses to watch the partial solar eclipse yesterday, but we went for a walk, thinking we might see shadows on buildings or on the streets of Vancouver that would represent the event.  In fact, I'm not sure that I managed any eclipse-related captures, though the light was extraordinary throughout the late afternoon. What about those of you in North America (where it was supposed to be easiest to view)?   Were you out trying to capture eclipse photos?  

"Orangey" tones popped up all over town yesterday.  You will find a little (or a lot) of that colour in most of the photos, so the meme, Orange You Glad It's Friday, will be my link-up for today.  Many thanks to Maria for hosting.

We walked out the door just a few minutes before what was to be the peak of the eclipse.  The light on the left side of this building by David Lam Park seemed to divide into three sections, silver-white, turquoise-blue and steel-grey.
I've been noticing the contrasting halves of this tree on our street corner for a few days.
We crossed over Pacific Boulevard and walked towards Homer Street.  I loved this pumpkin behind the glass wall of a rain-splattered balcony.
These trees along Homer Street  are still holding onto their leaves, in spite of quite a bit of rain and wind over the last few days. 
The Grace Building is known for its gargoyles but I had never noticed the copper-gold tones of this small one over the Homer-side doorway.
Just to the right of that gargoyle, a window washer caught my eye.  I wonder if he was aware of the eclipse.
 We walked by the Barking Babies pet store..
and I thought their Hallowe'en displays..
 were charming.
 Black Jack isn't really into sports-wear, but Yaletown is famous for its yuppy-pups and I imagine these shirts in the window are big sellers.
Just a few steps further along Homer, this sweet dog caught my eye and then, the fascinating work of his human.  When I stopped to talk to them, an initially frightening but ultimately happy story emerged.  A couple of weeks ago, three-year-old Tzou was stolen along with Kristyn Christiansen's truck.  After a sleepless night, Kristyn was informed that his truck had been found abandoned but there was no sign of Tzou.  Frantic searching, posters all about town, notices on social media, even a dog tracker hired, then some sightings reported, and finally, miraculously, Tzou was picked up that evening by an anonymous citizen who took him to a police station.  Let's just say it was a joyful reunion!      
I learned that Kristyn has a signage company and his painstaking work became almost as interesting as his dog.  After looking at the Signage Centre web site, I am realizing I've seen quite a few of his uniquely crafted signs around town.   
 Tzou is very friendly and thought he would like to make Black Jack's acquaintance..
 but sadly, his overtures were rebuffed.  Not one to offend easily, he accepted treats and..
then returned to his very important job of watching over Kristyn.
We continued our walk along Homer Street past the bike lane on the left.  That is the one we ride along most days, but I'm ashamed to say I had never noticed the row of impressive trees on the other side of the street.  One thing I've become aware of in the last few years is how the way we get around town (walk, bike or drive) changes our view.  It isn't that we haven't walked along that street, but generally, we walk on the treed side of the street, and somehow, they just don't look the same.  
 After a stop for treats and a crossword at Harrison Gallery's café, Bill and I walked (at Black Jack's insistence) through a small park where the leaves had mostly fallen to the ground. 
 Even the laneways seemed determined to join the Orange You Glad It's Friday mood.
We passed this seniors' home and I was happy to see the resident in that corner apartment had a bird flying in the window. 
 Some flowers in a corner garden..
 were doing pretty well in the cooler October weather, 
 and as we crossed over Pacific Blvd once more, Bill remarked on this lovely tree waiting just behind the traffic light.
 Just after we passed this colourful sign, Bill headed home and I continued.. 
 down to the edge of False Creek with Black Jack for a little extra walking time.  Oranges.. 
 were still appearing..
 just about everywhere..
 we walked.
 The BC Lions logo on the stadium got into the mood as well.
By now, the eclipse was long over, but the light seemed to create an after-glow.
 Two skate boarders were working/playing hard under the Cambie Bridge.  It had been..
 mid-July since I had last taken photos of skateboarders and I was definitely ready for..
 some action shots.  I probably have another 50 shots not posted here, though I think these sequences give quite a good representation of what I found to be admirable self-discipline and very impressive skills.  To the skaters: if you find this post and would like all of the photos, just let me know. I'd be happy to do a facebook album for you.  Let me know, as well, if you would like the photos cropped to show more detail.  

Here are the sequences I chose:
Sequence 1.

 Sequence 2

 Sequence 3

 landed beautifully and then..
 right up again.

 Sequence 4

 The light remained extraordinary as we walked home..  
 and I had fun with some off-angle shots under the Cambie Bridge.
 One more flower shot, 
 before taking a photo of Ring Gear, 1987, a 20-ft high gear that was originally a working component of the Connaught Bridge, a swing-span bridge that crossed False Creek before the Cambie Bridge was built.  
Now, it is preserved as a memorial to a very different industrial time in Vancouver.
 Looking over the creek from that spot, a familiar fountain..
 with sky colours reflected is the last shot for today.  Many thanks for stopping by, and my thanks, once again, to Marie, of Orange You Glad It's Friday for hosting that fine meme.  Have a happy weekend, everyone.


  1. big beautiful pup! so glad he was found and returned safely! love all the colors you're getting there.

  2. I am out of breath! Wow, what a delightful account and series of images. My favorite image is the pumpkin; glad to hear the water droplets were not on your lens [filter]. The happy ending to the Tzou story was heart warming. Thanks for all your [competent] efforts. Cheers, Stan

  3. You have so many beautiful photos, Carol! I really enjoyed your post. It is neat to see ordinary people like the window washer and Kristyn hard at work. The sequences of the skateboarders are quite interesting as well; they are quite talented in their own way!

  4. What a great "orange" post, Carol. The trees are gorgeous with the orange leaves.. And I love the cute doggie..Glad there was a happy ending to the missing dog story.. The skateboarders are good, they know how to show off. Wonderful series, enjoy your weekend!

  5. I loved the light in your photos today especially in the action ones. The trees are at their best in your part of the world with those beautiful coats of colour.

  6. Oh, the partial eclipse escaped my memory yet the nice light that emerged in the afternoon inspired me to go cycling around my neighborhood.

    Nice series of pictures as usual, Carol. I am not typically a fan of puppy clothes unless it is REALLY chilly outside but I have to say those doggy sport t-shirts in the window would be hard to resist! Also, that is such an interesting job for the signage man and his watchful dog that reminds me of Nana in the Disney version of Peter Pan.

  7. Hi Carol, this is Shane - skateboarder in the black shirt in your shots. Thanks for the great pictures!!! You are a great photographer and all the shots are fantastic!

    I'd love to see the rest, if it's not too much trouble. I don't have Facebook, but could share a Dropbox folder or Google drive folder with you if you send me an email.

    Thanks again!!
